USA sues ex-NFL star Bill Romanowski: Tax evasion over 25 years?

As a linebacker, Bill Romanowski won the Super Bowl four times in his NFL career. Now the ex-athlete is facing a gigantic lawsuit from the United States

Fierce allegations against a former NFL pro.

Bill Romanowski, former linebacker in the world’s top football league, is facing a huge lawsuit.

According to coinciding US media reports, the 57-year-old and his wife Julie are being sued by the United States because they allegedly owe the state more than 15 million US dollars in taxes. The outstanding amounts are said to date back to 1998.

According to the lawsuit, the couple was ordered to pay an unspecified amount ten years ago, but failed to do so. With interest and penalties enshrined in the law, the outstanding amount is said to have increased to more than 15.3 million US dollars – about 14 million euros.

USA sue ex-NFL pro Romanowski

“Despite timely notice and demand for payment, the Romanowskis have neglected, refused or failed to pay the assessments against them,” it literally says. But how did this come about?

According to the indictment, the couple is accused of using funds from their company to pay private bills. These included rental costs, plastic surgery, wellness treatments and food.

Through this improper use of company funds, the couple allegedly “frustrated the collection of individual income tax assessments”.

Bill Romanowski was selected by the San Francisco 49ers in the 1988 draft. With the Niners, he won the Super Bowl twice in six seasons. At his later station, the Denver Broncos, he won the NFL final two more times.

2 years ago
Super Bowl
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