Seattle Seahawks: Carroll out uncomfortable and daring, but right

The Seattle Seahawks are looking for a fresh start at the coaching position. An uncomfortable and daring path, but the right one. A commentary.

Timing is everything. But in sport, you often miss the right time for change.

This applies not only to players, but also to coaches. Or even clubs. It’s not easy to choose the right time to leave. Or, conversely, to part ways. Especially not with a popular legend like Pete Carroll.

And especially not when the veteran actually wanted to stay on. That’s why the Seattle Seahawks’ move is a real surprise, a bombshell, a bombshell. An NFL earthquake.

Also because the team had only just missed out on the playoffs. Carroll hadn’t shown any signs of wear and tear, he recently emphasized that he is still full of drive to achieve something with his team

Seattle Seahawks: Soft landing for Carroll

However, after 14 years with the 72-year-old as head coach, the franchise wanted a change. The fact that Carroll is staying on as a consultant sounds like a creeping farewell, but it is a softer landing for the former coach and does more justice to what he has achieved in his time than an undignified farewell in a press release.

Even if he was pressured into it, as he revealed.

In sporting terms, such an end to an era is always risky and uncomfortable, but in the case of the Seahawks it is also right and important. Ideally, such a move can provide fresh impetus, a sense of optimism, a sporting turnaround and a real new start if it is implemented sensibly and thoughtfully.

There is no doubt that the Seahawks could do with this. Recently, the franchise has seemed a little lost in itself. Stuck in its own structures. And Carroll was no longer above criticism.

Because the fact is, despite all the 72-year-old’s merits: The two Super Bowl appearances were nine and ten years ago. They never made it to the Championship Game after that, the last time they went further than the Wild Card Round was in 2019 and they’ve only made it to the playoffs once in the last three seasons.

Seattle Seahawks: standing still is a step backwards

Stagnation is the name of the game. And stagnation is known to be a step backwards.

And then there are the options of simply carrying on as before – or taking a risk. To go all-in in terms of personnel for a breath of fresh air. Because those responsible know, of course, that such a decision can also backfire badly.

But the timing seems right. For Carroll, who is spared a potential fall from grace. And for the franchise, which can now gather itself and attack anew;

However, it is all the more important that this was not a hasty move, but that the subsequent decisions are well-considered and dovetail with one another.

After all, timing is everything, as we all know.

1 year ago
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