Bribe? New turn in the case of Quinton Dunbar and DeAndre Baker

Quinton Dunbar and DeAndre Baker have to stand trial on suspicion of armed robbery. Information from an arrest warrant now shows that the two NFL players allegedly paid their victims to withdraw statements.

Quinton Dunbar of the Seattle Seahawks and DeAndre Baker of the New York Giants will have to stand trial on suspicion of armed robbery. A new revelation by the “New York Daily News” is unlikely to have improved the negotiating position of the NFL players.

The newspaper had gained access to contents of an arrest warrant which is supposed to list evidence that the four victims of the May 13 robbery had been paid money at the office of Quinton Dunbar’s lawyer to withdraw their affidavits.

There were video recordings and Instagram messages to prove that the witness, Dominic Johnson, was the middleman who arranged the payments. According to the warrant, the four victims confirmed that they had been paid a total of $55,000 to withdraw their statements against Dunbar.

DeAndre Baker may have been personally involved
Giants player Baker himself was also involved in the payout. As the warrant states, there were several phone calls between him and middleman Johnson. For example, Johnson had asked him to come to the office of the lawyer Dunbars. Baker replied, “Yo, I’m in town to get the money. How much you want me to bring? I’ll try to get there as soon as I can.”

After the money was delivered, the four victims actually withdrew their statements. However, according to the warrant, they “were threatened and had extreme concerns for their own safety. One of the victims was forced to move out of her apartment. Another person received text messages with photos of her identity card. The same ID that was stolen during the robbery”.

Baker and Dunbar are accused of stealing cash and jewelry from other guests at a party with guns drawn. Both plead innocent.

5 years ago
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