NFL: Week 12 – Clock broken at Cincinnati Bengals

In the game between the Cincinnati Bengals and the Pittsburgh Steelers, the game clock is broken. The game had to be interrupted several times

The clock should actually be running at 7:3 in favor of the Cincinnati Bengals. In the game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, however, it didn’t run at all.

The official play clock in the Bengals’ stadium appears to have malfunctioned. The referees had to pause the game several times.

The correct game time could not be displayed on television either.

In the meantime, the game time and the play clock could not be shown snap by snap, the teams played without an official game clock.

As a result, it was unclear in the broadcast how much time was left and how many seconds were still available snap by snap.

After a few minutes, however, the problem was resolved and the time could be seen again.

1 year ago
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