New England Patriots release historic recording of Tom Brady

After Tom Brady was drafted in 2000, the quarterback is interviewed by journalists for the first time. The Patriots are now releasing the historic recording.

It has now been more than 23 years since the New England Patriots managed what is probably the best pick in their history.

At position 199, the team drafted a certain Tom Brady. His further career path should be known.

What should be less known is the first conference call after the draft. Fortunately, the Patriots made a recording of it, which they have now released.

Such calls are common with the Patriots so that the local press can get to know the young players. But what can be heard on the recordings from that time?

First, Brady was asked if he was disappointed not to have been drafted higher.

The seven-time Super Bowl winner replied that he was happy with his situation. Everyone would start at the same level, regardless of the draft round. It was a great opportunity to be here, the quarterback continued.

TB12 was then asked about his rather sub-optimal physical condition. Brady’s answer: he has improved and is actually quite happy with his form.

There followed another question about a potential baseball career. There was no greater interest from journalists at the time.

Not even two years later, the playmaker won his first Super Bowl.

2 years ago
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