NFL – Book on Aaron Rodgers reveals new details about rift with his family

Aaron Rodgers has had little contact with his family for a decade. Now a book about the star quarterback reveals new details

Aaron Rodgers hasn’t spoken to his family for most of the past decade, but now things could be changing. In a newly published book by Ian O’Connor entitled “Out of the Darkness: The Mystery of Aaron Rodgers”, the quarterback has opened up to the author – and revealed details about his relationship with his family, which has been fractured for years.

According to the book, the playmaker has not really spoken to his family since Christmas 2014, but an initial approach was made last year.

According to O’Connor, Ed Rodgers, the NFL superstar’s father, had decided to travel to Lake Tahoe to watch his son play in the American Century Championship golf tournament. The signal caller himself knew nothing about it.

When he finally discovered his father, he decided it was time to finally break the ice. “I could have done a lot of things,” the 40-year-old said, according to the New York Post. “But I just thought, ‘What’s the best thing to do in this moment, and what kind of gift can I give him? Because I really love him. I have no animosity towards him, despite all the things that have been said and done. “

The feud in the Rodgers family became public in 2016 when Jordan Rodgers, one of Aaron’s brothers, took part in the US show “The Bachelorette”. While courting his future wife, he revealed that his family had distanced themselves from the athlete.

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Not much is known about the falling out, but the book suggests that Olivia Munn, the playmaker’s former girlfriend, played a role. Even if “A-Rod” and Munn deny this.

The quarterback’s parents are said to have been unenthusiastic about Munn publicly revealing details about her sex life with Rodgers. “Because of her devout religious views, Aaron’s mother disapproved of premarital sex and was against her middle child sharing a hotel room with his girlfriend, even as an NFL player,” O’Connor wrote, according to the Daily Mail.

Nevertheless, the meeting at the golf tournament opened the door for more communication. Just two months later, the 40-year-old’s parents were in the stadium for their son’s first game as quarterback of the New York Jets.

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The game ended disastrously for their son, who suffered a torn Achilles tendon on the fourth play. “It was shocking, honestly, so bizarre,” Rodgers’ dad said of the reaction to the injury from the crowd.

“It took the wind out of the sails of the whole stadium. People around us didn’t know who we were, but nobody said anything negative like, ‘This is what happens to an older quarterback.’ ‘ It was like, ‘Oh no. Oh no. Tell me that’s not true.’ … It literally happened right across the street from us.”

While the playmaker did not meet with his parents after the game, the door is at least open for a reconciliation. “I would certainly like to have a relationship with my father,” Rodgers is quoted as saying by author O’Connor.

The book will be published on August 20. It is expected to reveal further details of the star quarterback’s professional and private life.

8 months ago
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