Zach Wilson and his relationship drama: big summer cinema in the NFL

There are all kinds of rumours and various people on the net right now about Zach Wilson, quarterback of the New York Jets, who are allegedly involved.

Munich/New York City – The name Zach Wilson has been mentioned rather rarely this NFL offseason. When it has been mentioned, it has mostly been when talking about the 22-year-old’s athletic prospects.

Since this week, however, Zach Wilson has been the talk of the town, but primarily because of his relationship drama, which has now become public. Awkward for Wilson, entertaining summer movie for NFL fans.

What happened in the first place?

Already around the turn of the year, Zach Wilson and his girlfriend Abby Gile broke up. So far, so normal.

The reason for the break-up, however, is more than curious, as has now come out: Apparently, the former BYU quarterback slept with a friend of his mother. As a result, Gile immediately ended the relationship. She said so herself in an inconspicuous comment on Instagram.

What is Wilson’s ex-girlfriend doing now?

Abbey Gile, meanwhile, is dating Wilson’s ex-teammate Dax Milne. The Washington Commanders wide receiver also already posed with her on Instagram.

Wilson and Milne have also unfollowed each other on all social channels. Gile herself has even deactivated her social medias altogether.

Who else has commented?

On Instagram, even the New York Jets’ gear manager, Josh McMahon, has now spoken out. Under Milne’s post showing him and Wilson’s ex-girlfriend, he wrote: “I don’t know what’s a bigger joke: your NFL career or this relationship. “

What relationship the groomsman has to the ex-couple or even to Dax Milne is not known.

How does the internet react?

It feels like all of America is jumping on the Jets quarterback’s relationship drama. Especially in the media metropolis of New York, the 22-year-old with his private life is naturally a ready-made meal.

A number of memes on the subject are circulating on Twitter.

Yes, and of course the topic is making the rounds in the NFL as well.

With appropriate reactions, such as from DK Metcalf of the Seattle Seahawks.

What does Wilson himself say?

The protagonist of all this has not yet spoken out himself. Whether he will do so in the near future is questionable anyway.

The next media round with the playmaker will not take place before the start of the training camp, which the Jets will begin for the whole team on 26 July.

3 years ago
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