NFL fines Bruce Arians – Antonio Brown reacts

After an attack on his player Andrew Adams, head coach Bruce Arians of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers is apparently being asked to pay up in the NFL. His former protégé, Scandal player Antonio Brown, is speaking out about the scene on Twitter.

Munich/Tampa – After an attack against his player Andrew Adams, head coach Bruce Arians (69) of the Super Bowl champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers will apparently be asked to pay in the NFL. According to “ESPN” information, the coach has to pay 50,000 dollars.

In the playoff opener last weekend against the Philadelphia Eagles (31:15), Arians had hit Adams against the helmet in the third quarter. The coach didn’t like the fact that the safety had previously tangled with an opponent. When Arians reached over, it was 17-0 for the completely superior Buccaneers.

Penalty for Bruce Arians: Antonio Brown speaks out

Addressed about the scene, Arians stated at the press conference, “I’ve seen enough stupid actions. You can’t just pull people out of there. We had just had a great play and he tries to pull the guy out. I tried to check him away from the opponent so he wouldn’t get a penalty.”

With the “stupid actions”, Arians may also be alluding to ex-Buc Antonio Brown and his inglorious exit against the New York Jets. As Twitter hotly debated whether Arians had crossed a line with his action, Brown also commented on the incident. He shared the scene from the game on his account and wrote “Pit not the Palace”.

“Pit not the Palace” was also the name of the rap song “AB” put out shortly after his public dismissal from the Bucs. Brown accuses Arians of, among other things, pushing him to play despite an injury. The coach strongly denies the allegations.

Arians is unlikely to comment on Brown again. He has to prepare for the next playoff game against the Los Angeles Rams with Tom Brady and Co.

3 years ago
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